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frSIP Mobile

PROJECT: Creating Use Case Mockup Screens

frSIP Mobile is a communication application that can be used for virtually any industry. Companies big or small can use this app to have video calls, chat, audio calls, send files, and images. I supported the sales team by creating use case screens depending on the type of company and industry they would pitch the app to. I was also involved in designing mockups so the development team could update the app's user experience and functionality for both iOS and Android. 


Hotels are equipped with a lot of legacy phone systems that are now outdated. Our proposed cost effective solution is to have all the phone options available to guests directly from this application.


This screen was created to demonstrate how the hospitality industry could use the app. Hotel customers could download the app and be able to call the hotel's concierge, emergency line, listen to messages, call housekeep, and much more all at their fingertips! 

The icons that were created go with the app's look and feel and are easy to identify in case the hotel guest doesn't understand the language. 

© All designs showcased on this portfolio have been created or are collaborative works by Natalia Burris.

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