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PROJECT: Webinar Interface

inSight is a web interface portal specifically for hosting webinars. This portal is backed by Deltapath's conferencing platform. I was in charge of creating the look-and-feel, and pitch how the interface would work for admin users.

Web Portal: During a webinar, the operator is able to manage callers into queues, go on and off air, manage comments from the chat, and create speaker notes for the webinar host. From the sidebar, administrators can navigate to their dashboard, settings, access media, view registrants, and much more!

Mobile Registrant: I was also in charge in creating mockups for mobile users joining the webinar. Through the application, registrants can join to view the webinar, participate by going into a Q&A queue call or by simply asking questions through the chat feature. After the webinar, the recordings become accessible from their home screen to view at a later date. Users would also have access to other webinar recordings in case they were unable to join.

© All designs showcased on this portfolio have been created or are collaborative works by Natalia Burris.

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